Aug 31, 2020
Aug 24, 2020
Aug 20, 2020
Writing your script. What to say when a prospective Seller says another agent told them their house is worth more.
This question came up in our Inner Circle yesterday. Our Tribe Member said she is going on appointment after appointment, but she keeps running into this objection. She ends up losing out on the listing and...
Aug 17, 2020
Today we're talking with Mega Mom- Katelyn Hooper!😍
Katelyn's coming up on her 1 year anniversary of joining our Inner
Circle and we've loved getting to know her! 🥳🥳
She is extremely motivated and is putting the right systems in
place to continue to see success throughout the future!Check
out this episode of...
Aug 13, 2020
Believe it or not, you are not meant to work with everyone. We
want to empower you to define your ideal client, your ideal
schedule, and your ideal parameters. If a client falls outside of
the boundaries YOU SET you will need to know what to say.
The truth is is a daily struggle. It's counterintuitive to turn