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Real Estate Mega Moms Podcast is here to empower moms for success in real estate through support, training and superior marketing! 

Find out more at our WEBSITE.

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Sep 28, 2020

Have a plan to word your response to reduce liabilities.

Sep 25, 2020

We are excited to have Heather Klompmaker back on the podcast.   We talked about having a team.

Sep 21, 2020

We have all experienced toxic clients. Here are some measures you can put into place to deal with them more effectively.

Sep 18, 2020

Today we're talking with Mega Mom-Kristina Klein! 😍
Kristin joined our Inner Circle earlier this year and has found great success in our systems, especially learning the benefits of how to build your listing presentation and get it out there!
Check out this episode of Mega Mom, Mega Success to learn more about...

Sep 14, 2020

As we approach a new year there are a lot of uncertainties. Will the housing market remain strong? Will the economy recover from the Covid-19 pandemic? Will the government change any policies and regulations that hurt our industry? So many unknowns.
What we do know is that the market can't stay high forever. There...