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Real Estate Mega Moms Podcast is here to empower moms for success in real estate through support, training and superior marketing! 

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Jan 29, 2021

Today’s tools of communication encourage us to move faster and faster. The options are growing. Within moments you can text, tweet, post on Instagram, and comment on Facebook.
Maybe like me, you’re addicted to the speed they represent. These communication channels, however, discourage things like thinking, reflecting, and calmly responding. What they encourage is the need many of us seem to have which is to get our opinion out there in public, to get it out there now! We can’t hold back.
The technology at our fingertips encourages us to be in hurry-up mode.
But, when we’re in a hurry, we often miss what’s important. Live in hurry-up mode too much of the time and you can easily burn through a decade or two and find yourself wondering, “How did I get where I am today?”
Join us as we discuss intentionally SLOWING DOWN to REFLECT